Sunday, February 20, 2011

New series

remember to check out my new series on my youtube channel therebiirth for the best tips u can get

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Demonoid Free code Giveaway

i will be giving away 5 codes just follow post a comment with your email and ill send it out

Its has been Confirmed

I was reading and the iphone 5 is not to be yet it will be the Verizon iphone with some extra Features

Monday, January 17, 2011

No Experience + Skates = ?

This was one of my first time going skating, i know i live in Canada and i cannot skate laugh all u want troll (troll:ROFLMAO) So i go skating in this out door skate ( if you dont live in canada , im just saying i DO NOT LIVE IN A FUCKING IGLOO) But it is cold  so we do go skating out side. Anyway i felt i was a FAIL at life
so i tried it and i thought i was getting good so i said lets do this like jersey shore and started FIST PUMPING and that was the end of my day =P. remember to comment, follow what ever you wanna and stay tunned for another story or electronic update

Tests Do you like them or hate them ?

This is xero and to start to this of this blog is not just for electronics and stuff its for me to, So the topic is tests and i know we all have them and mostly all of ous hate them ..Today i had a test im pretty sure that only effects my school board in Toronto and its called casi. 0.o , t is that you ask , (troll: its gay cause its in canada) no its not troll it is a pretty long ass reading test to see what level our reading is at. (troll: well u got low cause your dumb) Actually for a fact troll im not stupid an have a decent average and i like computer =P, So when we were doing this test in my class ever so quiet i noticed its about a lonely kid  playing tennis. how the fudge am i going to answer a story about a lonely kid ( probably your brother jks ). So i procrastinate and look at my friends sheet and all i have to do is tell what the fudge the story's about, i will tell you what i got until next time im out later

Friday, January 14, 2011


What is up you guys apple iphone has been leaked all evidence is real because you has deleted the videos due to apple copyright, either this is the new apple iphone 5 or The new updated verizon iphone coming in later this january