Monday, January 17, 2011

Tests Do you like them or hate them ?

This is xero and to start to this of this blog is not just for electronics and stuff its for me to, So the topic is tests and i know we all have them and mostly all of ous hate them ..Today i had a test im pretty sure that only effects my school board in Toronto and its called casi. 0.o , t is that you ask , (troll: its gay cause its in canada) no its not troll it is a pretty long ass reading test to see what level our reading is at. (troll: well u got low cause your dumb) Actually for a fact troll im not stupid an have a decent average and i like computer =P, So when we were doing this test in my class ever so quiet i noticed its about a lonely kid  playing tennis. how the fudge am i going to answer a story about a lonely kid ( probably your brother jks ). So i procrastinate and look at my friends sheet and all i have to do is tell what the fudge the story's about, i will tell you what i got until next time im out later

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